The Emergence Project (til 12/30)

The Emergence Project
work by Daniel Sauter and Mark Hereld

Oct. 11–Dec. 30, 2008
Opening Reception: October 26, 3–5 pm

Hyde Park Art Center
5020 S. Cornell Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615

Artists Daniel Sauter and Mark Hereld work together to create a digital artwork driven by the ideas produced during the 2008 Chicago Humanities Festival. The contents of the day’s presentations, performances and panel discussions will be captured, analyzed and processed into a dynamic visualization that evolves from minute to minute to express “big ideas”, in resonance with the Festival's theme of Thinking Big. The Emergence Project is an innovative, real-time art installation that explores how complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of simple interactions, a phenomenon known as emergence. At first focusing on the actual discourse emanating from the Chicago Humanities Festival’s October 11 day of programs hosted in several venues in the Hyde Park area, the contents of the presentations, performances, and panel discussions are captured, analyzed, and processed into a multidimensional image that continually evolves. The piece uses simple morphological rules to excavate emerging word clusters and expressed big ideas, representing them on the Hyde Park Art Center’s digital façade.

The Leaf and the Page

The Leaf and the Page

Eleven Illinois artists explore plants as conduits between humanity and the natural world. This exhibit considers the connection between the historic canon of botanical images, the plant as specimen, and contemporary practices that imbue the subject with emotive and narrative qualities. Artists in the exhibition are Judith Brotman, Melissa Jay Craig, Stephen Eichhorn, Winifred Godfrey, Dennis Lee Mitchell, Carolyn Ottmers, Olivia Petrides, Rebecca Shore, Eric West, Scott Wolniak, and Andrew Young. Curated by Douglas Stapleton. The Leaf and the Page is part of the 2008 Chicago Artists Month, an annual citywide celebration of Chicago's vibrant visual arts.

Illinois State Museum Chicago Gallery
James R. Thompson Center, Suite 2-100
100 W. Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60601

How Does your Garden Grow? (til1 11/14)

LinkHow does your Garden Grow?

October 9 – November 14, 2008

Kemper Room Gallery, Galvin Library
Galvin Library 35 W. 33rd Street
Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: 312.567.3616

Experience the secret life of plants as captured by artists and scientists using x-ray and microscopic photography, time-lapse video and robot monitors.

Whether it is the delicate structures of flowers revealed in Steven Meyer's x-ray photography, nature's silent rhythms seen in Roger Hangarter's Plants in Motion videos, fluorescent plant cells in microscopic images by Michael Davidson, Peter Osler's photo essay, or David Bowen's growth charting robot, How Does Your Garden Grow? provides a new way of seeing and appreciating the plant life around us.

for more information go to: