Continental Drift w/ Midwest Radical Cultural Corridor (6/06 - 08)

::: Midwest Radical Cultural Corridor /Continental Drift :::
[ June 6-8 ]
::::::::FRIDAY, June 6::::::::
Screening: Break bread together while consuming a double feature of films on radical food control!
Mess Hall
6932 N Glenwood, Chicago just across from the Morse stop on the Red Line
*6:30 PM - Our Daily Bread, 1934, directed by King Vidor! (Hollywood Socialism!) In the midst of the great Depression, middle class couple leaves NY to start a farm. They don't know what they are doing and the farm starts failing. People, displaced by the Depression and the dust bowl start showing up at the farm and offering their skills. The farm collectivizes organically and they succeed - they make bread!
*8:30 PM - The World According to Monsanto, 2008, Marie-Monique Robin (French Socialism!) Enlightening update on the corporate war against the living: destruction of cultural and agricultural biodiversity and hostile takeover of world seed supply. Critical background for understanding today's food price crisis.
Bring bread-- homemade or lovingly bought--along with good things to eat and drink with it.
::::::::SATURDAY, June 7::::::::
* Release Party for AREA Chicago #6: City As Lab
Saturday 2pm-4pm @ Paseo Prairie Garden, adjacent to the south exit of the Logan Square 'el' exit
This issue of AREA Chicago looks at Chicago as a policy laboratory in which experimental public policy in the areas of housing, labor and education are tested on the residents of Chicago.
* Gerald Raunig in dialogue with Dan Wang (and you)
7 pm @ InCUBATE
2129 North Rockwell (around the corner from Congress Theatre on Milwaukee Ave)
Vienna-based philosopher and author of Art and Revolution (2007) visits Chicago for the first time, breaks down the latest in art/social action theory.
::::::::SUNDAY, June 8::::::::
* Tour the C/CURE-Raising Spirits! initiative with Martha Boyd in the Riverdale neighborhood. 1pm - 5pm meet @ Resource Center
222 East 135th Pl.
byo-picnic The Raising Spirits! initiative is a local proposal for rebuilding healthy, self-sustaining human communities in the context of climate change and pervasive ecological and economic dysfunction. The project commits to creative problem-solving out of the challenges and opportunities in a particular community and place: in this case, Chicago's Riverdale community along the Little Calumet River - in our own lower 9th ward. Martha Boyd will describe the project and activities through the Chicago/Calumet Underground Railroad Effort (C/CURE) to link cultural and ecological tourism with community health and wealth. Environment, enterprise, history, policy, education, infrastructure -and ultimately: survival. Dan Wang
Martha Boyd is Program Director of Angelic Organics Learning Center's Urban Initiative in Chicago.
* Screening of The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973), Ivan Dixon appearance by the author of the book (1966) Sam Greenlee 7 pm @ Backstory Cafe 6100 South Blackstone (inside the Experimental Station)
potluck dinner
"…the story of Dan Freeman (Lawrence Cook), the first African American to enter the CIA's elite espionage program. After putting up with racist supervisors and co-workers for five years, he resigns his post, returns home to Chicago and begins training urban street gangs in guerrilla warfare tactics. Freeman's goal: to launch a revolutionary war against the white power structure in every major U.S. city." (Lewis Beale, LA Times, 2/28/2005) This event is co-sponsored by the upcoming AREA 1968/2008 issue
Contact Claire Pentecost for more information 773.383.9771 cpente(at)