How Does Race Matter? Genetics and Race (5/21)

Wednesday, May 23, 6-8pm
The DuSable Museum of African American History,
Illinois Black Legislators Auditorium,
740 E 56th Pl,
Chicago, Illinois 60637-1408
Enter the museum through the 57th Street entrance.
This event is FREE and open to the public.
Pre-Registration is required.
Reservations can be made on-line, via e-mail, or by calling 312.422.5580
Panelists Include:
Troy Duster
Ph.D. Professor of Sociology at New York University;
Director of the Institute for the History of the Production of Knowledge;
Author, Backdoor to Eugenics
Michele Goodwin, JD, LLM
Wicklander Chair and Director, Health Law Institute;
Director, Center for the Study of Race and Bioethics, DePaul University
Blase N. Polite, M.D.
Instructor, Department of Medicine, Section of Hematology/Oncology, The University of Chicago
Harry Porterfield
Feature News Reporter, ABC 7 News (moderator)