How HIV Infects: Characterization of HIV-1 Virion Fusion and Entry (4/19)

"How HIV Infects: Characterization of HIV-1 Virion Fusion and Entry" by Dr. Hamani Henderson
Thursday, April 19th , 6 PM preceded by a brief reception. Ferguson Auditorium, 600 S. Michigan Ave. Columbia College Chicago
The Science and Mathematics Colloquium Series continues on when Dr. Hamani Henderson presents a talk entitled "How HIV Infects: Characterization of HIV-1 Virion Fusion and Entry" Dr. Henderson will discuss work that she has done developing and visualizing protocols for examining how HIV attaches to and enters cells, particularly those of mucosal sites. The talk is free and open to the public and ASL-interpretation services are available. This talk is co-sponsored by Columbia's Critical Encounters: HIV/AIDS initiative. For more information, contact Kevin Fuller at 312-344-8505
Inside and Out : A Panel Discussion on the Body Worlds Exhibits (4/24)
The Art-Science Colloquium at SAIC presents
Inside and Out : A Panel Discussion on the Body Worlds Exhibits
Tuesday, April 24th, 4:10pm
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Room 1307, Michigan Building
112 S. Michigan Ave.
Is a displayed cadaver art or science? Both or neither? What roles do display, creative intention, and viewer response play in deciding? Join us for a conversation on these topics!
On the occasion of "Body Worlds 2," now at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, SAIC hosts a discussion on the Body Worlds phenomenon. Bringing together a cross-disciplinary panel from sculpture, performance, art history, and museum curation, this forum provides an opportunity to explore the various questions regarding art, science and education raised and embodied by this ongoing exhibit. Please join us.
Panelists include:
Lyle Massey
Northwestern University
Assistant Professor, Art History and curator of the Anatomy of Gender
Laurie Palmer
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Associate Professor, Sculpture
Meghan Strell
Local Infinities Theater
Artistic Director for the performance "Corpus Deliciti"
Patricia Ward
Museum of Science and Industry Chicago
Project Director, organizer for Body Worlds at the museum
moderated by Biologist Andrew Yang, (SAIC)