Out & About: Evolving Art
This last weekend the bio-art show "Endless Forms: Engaging Evolution" had its opening reception at University of Michigan's Work Gallery. The show featured work from over six countries themed around evolutionary biology and processes like sexual selection, migration, and mutation. The show was the brainchild of ArtSci members Gabrial Harp and Chris Landau. Given the recent broohaha over evolution in the political realm, and a host of exciting discoveries this year in the scientific realm, it couldn't be more timely.
The work ranged from the fairly traditional (a landscape painting of Charles Darwin, wife Emma, and puppy) to the electron microscopy, computer graphics and other media that characterize the ever-evolving pallette of art-makers. Lucky enough to be a part of the show was the work of students from SAIC's Evolution & Biodiversity class (image above) as well as some ArtSci Chicago members too (C. Donner and me).
If you are going to be in-or-around Ann Arbor in the next month, get youself over to the Work Gallery and engage yourself in a dose of evolutionary change...
Andy Yang
Just this past week Chicago's Field Museum opened their new exhibit: "Evolving Planet" with a whole host a special programs over the next two months.
Also check out Science magazine's web video reviewing this past year's major discoveries in evolutionary biology!